
Our Arduino Projects

We have completed many Arduino projects, which can be divided into two main categories: those for personal use and others specifically for products based on the Arduino board. Some of our Arduino projects are listed below. You can either obtain the same project from us or request a custom project based on your own requirements.

Multiple RFIDs Modules with Arduino

A project involving multiple RFID modules with Arduino can serve many purposes, such as access control systems, inventory management, or attendance tracking. RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) technology enables wireless communication between

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Fingerprint Door Lock by using Arduino

In today’s world, security has become a crucial concern, especially when it comes to safeguarding homes, offices, and personal belongings. Traditional lock-and-key mechanisms, while effective, are increasingly being replaced by

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Industrial Oven and PID Control with Arduino

The Industrial Oven Temperature Control project using Arduino is designed to ensure precise and uniform temperature management within an industrial oven. This advanced system incorporates buttons, a potentiometer, and LEDs

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Mission Impossible: Cruise Control

Programming an Autopilot with Arduino In this project we are required to program a scenario in which a helicopter pivoted to a potentiometer is being controlled by Arduino and motor

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DC Motor with Arduino:

In this tutorial, we will learn about how to use 5V DC motor with Arduino. The Arduino board will provide the current of 5V. So, if you want to use a 9V or 12V DC motor

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RGB Led with Arduino :

In this lecture we will learn how to interface with RGB led. And how to make amazing colors using RGB led. AS we know that Red, Green and blue are the basic primary colors

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LDR & Buzzer with Arduino :

LDR stands for Light “Dependent Resistor”.  LDR is a special type resistor that works on the photoconductivity principle. It means that resistance will change according to the intensity of light.

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Button with Arduino :

Buttons are used as two different ways, Like as a “Switch” or “Push Button”. Switch is like the button that you are used in your home to operate home appliances.

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Ultrasonic Sensor HC-sr04 :

Ultrasonic sensor is use to calculate the distance. It use ultrasonic waves to measure the distance. The ultrasonic wave can hit the object and and come back, ultrasonic sensor can use time to calculate the distance. HC-04 consists of two ultrasonic transducers.

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Basic example of Arduino:

How to control led with Arduino : Components : LED (generic) Arduino Uno Bread Board Resistor 220 Ohm Jumper Wires Circuit Diagram: Code for Blink LED : How to control

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Introduction to Arduino IDE :

How to Download and Install Arduino IDE : Click the link below to download Arduino ide : When the download finishes and you get a warning from the operating

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