Hall effect sensor with Arduino :
Hall effect sensor is a digital sensor. It is use to detect the magnet. When you came the magnet near to Hall effect sensor, it outputs a HIGH (5V) voltage to its Vout pin
Hall effect sensor is a digital sensor. It is use to detect the magnet. When you came the magnet near to Hall effect sensor, it outputs a HIGH (5V) voltage to its Vout pin
The LCD has 2 rows and 16 columns. That’s why it is called 16*2 LCD. We can use the LCD with i2C driver.
Joystick is basically a gaming controller. They are used for playing games. It is an input device. It is also called Control stick.
After using the servo motor and DC motor, today we are going to learn how to use Stepper Motor(28byj48). Stepper motor is basically a motor that can rotate